Are you asking yourself, “What IS value-based care, the alternative payment model Medicare officials are pushing?” If you are (and even if you aren’t), wonder no more! Take a 90-minute training from the Movement to Stop Privatization of Medicare so you can alert your member of Congress to Medicare’s pursuit of this unproven payment model. So-called value-based payment (vbp) flies in the face of simplicity, cost-effectiveness, and trusted doctor-patient relationships–trademarks of Medicare for All. Instead, it shifts the financial risk of treating patients onto providers while involving yet another layer of costly for-profit administration.

Value-Based or Value-Less
From the Board Room to the Exam Room:
Medicare, Privatization, and the Menace of “Value-Based” Care


One training, three date choices:

Wednesday, November 15, 3-4:30 pm
Monday, November 20, 9:30-11 am
Monday, November 20, 3-4:30 pm

Please RSVP to with the date and time of your preferred training session.

The presentation takes about 30 minutes, with 60 minutes for Q&A and mock presentations by participants. The sessions will be recorded. Zoom links, slides, and readings will be sent to individuals who RSVP.

At the end of the training session, you will:

1. Understand alternative payment models (APM), including “value-based” payment (VBP)
2. Describe the threat of APMs, VBPs, and ACO REACH to members of Congress, Congressional staff, other groups
3. Participate or lead a district team to meet with a member of Congress to discuss VBP and ask your MOC to sign a pledge supporting AJR4.