Health Care for All – CA is urging Gov. Newsom to make good on his campaign promise to establish universal single payer health care in California. HCA calls on the governor to use his political will to help usher AB 1400, the California Guaranteed Health Care for All Act, through the state Assembly by January 31, 2022.

 Read HCA’s letter to Gov. Newsom here.

AB 1400 (CalCare) embodies evidence-based policy that will right past wrongs by creating a humane and equitable health care system to save lives and money. Too long coming, this transition is now made imperative by the ongoing pandemic. It is vital that we move as soon as possible to a cost-effective health care system with one high standard of care for all and no financial or bureaucratic barriers. AB 1400 embodies these principles. HCA says to Gov. Newsom, “Now is the right time to do the right thing.” Support AB 1400 and work for its passage.