National Single Payer asks: How would a national health care system impact your physical and mental health, job, personal wealth, relations with your boss, sense of worth and safety, and practically every aspect of your life?

On August 9, 5 p.m. PT, NSP will feature Dr. Margaret Flowers in the first of its series of planned educational sessions.

Dr. Flowers is a heroic figure in the movement. She led a staged physician walkout on Senate Affordable Care Act talks that excluded single payer advocates. She has appeared in healthcare documentaries and continues to inspire colleagues in the movement. Register here for the event.

Here’s more from NPS:

Dr. Flowers is a pediatrician, public health advocate, and nationally renowned activist. She practiced medicine for 17 years, first as the director of pediatrics at a rural hospital in Maryland, and then in private practice. After witnessing the corporatization of her profession, she became an advocate for NIMA, National Improved Medicare for All. In 2009, she was arrested at a Senate Roundtable on Health Insurance by Senator Baucus for standing and speaking up on behalf of single payer, as no representative for that kind of system was invited to the roundtable discussion. On being arrested, she said, “Our first goal was to have a seat at the table… If we couldn’t get a seat, at least we could expose the insincerity of the current attempt at health care reform and show that single payer was actively being excluded.”