The governor’s Healthy California for All Commission will meet on Friday, June 25, from 1 to 5 p.m. Commissioner William Hsiao will be giving a presentation and there will be more time for interaction among Commissioners, as was requested at the last meeting. The focus is on design of a “unified financing” system. We need to continue showing up in big numbers to keep the focus on single payer and move the needle. Please register now!

If you want to prepare a short statement to submit or deliver, the main point, forever and always, is the savings reaped from creating one giant risk pool–everybody in, nobody out–with one public fund paying all the bills. This is how we pay for a single payer universal health care system–through the system itself. The commission must hear from us.

In preparation for Friday’s meeting, the CNA is holding a strategy session at 5 p.m. Wednesday, June 23. The call will feature CNA lawyer and regulatory policy specialist Carmen Comsti, who has been a commanding voice for single payer on the Commission. To hear her views and get talking points for input, both spoken and written, click here.