Chapters: Marin County

Welcome to our Marin County Chapter

Hello! Thank you for visiting this page. HCA – Marin volunteers are building support in our community for a state-based single payer healthcare system. Please join us! Bring your passion, talents, connections, desire to learn and educate others, and your vision of what it will be like when everyone has equitable access to the high quality health care they need.

The pandemic exposed the tragedy of our grossly inefficient, expensive, and unequal approach to health care.  In fact, it is estimated that one third of COVID deaths–330,000–would likely have been avoided if we had had in place a well-run universal healthcare system.

A single-payer system guarantees health care unconditionally to every individual. It does so through: universal enrollment; one comprehensive plan for all; streamlined public financing and administration; and price negotiation.

We need it. Demand it. It’s time for  the governor and our state legislators to bring this home. Drop the governor a line today:



About the Marin County Chapter

The HCA-Marin chapter has been in continual operation since its founding more than 25 years ago by HCA-CA co-founder Esther Wanning. The Marin County Board of Supervisors officially supports creation of a single payer healthcare system in California. We invite supporters in all parts of our community to get involved. Success will come when we have a critical mass of visible public support coupled with strong political leadership.

There are different ways to make a difference. Support HCA’s statewide advocacy work and local chapter activities by clicking on Join/Renew above and contributing any amount to become an HCA member. Host an informal neighborhood conversation in your home with an HCA speaker. Table (practice your talking points) with an experienced volunteer at the farmer’s market or a nearby supermarket. Write a letter to the editor. Invite a speaker or screen a film with a group you belong to. (Refer to the Take Action page of this website for a list of films.) Share the 30-second YouTube video spots in English and Spanish on the HealthCareForAllCalifornia channel. Stay current: Subscribe to Health Justice Monitor ~

Questions? Ideas? Contact:

Thank you!

HCA-Marin planning team: Ruth Carter, Mike Hack, Ellen Karel, Sandy Neumann, and Debbie Spanier